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Livewire fire method when we type into input element

every users when they went to register our website and they are typing username or email, we want to check real time which username or password exists in our database or not. for implementing this feature i have this input element in blade:

<input type="text" class="form-control"

as i'm not sure this implementation is correct i don't have any method on component.

for example:

public function username($username){
    echo "Hey {$username} !";

i want to know how we can fire method when we type into input element


  • The lazy directive modifier on your input prevents a request being sent to the server when the field is updating (150ms default debounce). If you want to provide feedback as they type, remove the lazy modifier.

    In order to determine if the username/email is in use, you'll want to hook into the lifecycle of your username property. By this I mean the updatedUsername function which will fire when the value of your username property updates in the Livewire component.

    You could do something like the following (works with or without the lazy modifier on the input field):

    Livewire view

        <label for="username">Username</label>
        <input id="username" name="username" type="text" value="{{ old('username') }}"
        <p>{{ $availability }}</p>

    Livewire component

    namespace App\Http\Livewire;
    use App\Models\User;
    use Livewire\Component;
    class RegisterForm extends Component
        public $username;
        public $availability;
        public function render()
            return view('livewire.register-form');
        public function updatedUsername()
            if (User::where('email', $this->username)->first()) {
                $this->availability = 'That username is already taken';
            $this->availability = '';

    Hopefully the above is self explanitory.