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Generating combinatorial string from map

I have a map as such:

// map[int]          position in string
// map[rune]bool     characters possible at said position
func generateString(in map[int]map[rune]bool) []string { 
    // example: {0: {'A':true, 'C': true}, 1: {'E': true}, 2: {'I': true, 'X': true}}
    result := []string{"AEI", "AEX", "CEI", "CEX"} // should generate these
    return result

The difference with all possible permutations is that we are specifying which permutations are possible by index and I think that's the real head-breaker here.


  • First, we need to convert map[int]map[rune]bool to []map[rune]bool since map iteration isn't guaranteed to be sorted by key's

    After that, this is a recursive approach

    var res []string
    func dfs(curString string, index int, in []map[rune]bool) {
        if index == len(in) {
            res = append(res, curString)
        for ch, is := range in[index] {
            if !is { // I assume booleans can be false
            dfs(curString+string(ch), index+1, in)

    and we can call it with dfs("", 0, arr) where arr is given map converted to slice and answer will be in res variable