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Error from meson build for a missing header which exists

From this simple Meson build file I get an error on line *** about a missing header file:

# - src/


headers += [

mainPrj += [

autoTest += [

Source = [ headers, mainPrj ]
SourceTest = [ headers, autoTest ]

MyProgExe = executable('MyProg', Source)     ***
MyProgTestExe = executable('MyProgTest', SourceTest)

test('Internal test', MyProgTestExe)

This is the error message:

src/***:0: ERROR: File dataStructures.hpp does not exist.

The header does exist, it is in directory src/config/, and it does not appear in src/ file, but in src/config/

# - src/config/

headers += [

If I swap dataStructures.hpp and interface.hpp, I get the error with interface.hpp.

I must be doing something wrong with the files, but I cannot find what.


  • You do not need to list your header files. Just add include directories like this:

    inc_dir = include_directories('path/to/include')

    in your case:

    inc_dir = include_directories('src/config')
    MyProgExe = executable('MyProg', Source, include_directories: inc_dir, ...)

    What I usually do is to declare project dependency:

    project_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: inc_dir, sources: srcs,

    and use that for each target (e.g. app and test executables) like this:

    src_main = ...
    executable('app', sources:srcs_main, dependencies:[project_dep])
    test_main = ...
    executable('unit_tests', sources:[test_main, test_specific_srcs], dependencies:[project_dep])