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Error message when using the function autocov_dist from spdep package

I'm using the function autocov_dist from spdep package to estimate the aucovariate. I'm using inverse distance as a weight. When I tested it on my data I got this error message:

Error in autocov_dist(Var, xy, nbs = 100, style = "B", type = "inverse") : is.vector(z) is not TRUE

Here a reproducible example (I'm showing large values in the coordinates because in my real data the spatial coordinates are in UTM):

 set.seed <- 123
 xy<-,100000, 100), (rnorm(1000,500000, 100))))
 Var <- rnorm(1000,2, 1)
 autocov <- autocov_dist(Var, xy, nbs=100, style="B",type="inverse")

Also, what is exactly the definition of the neighboring radius (the nbs argument in the function) because I couldn't find a clear definition in the function documentation.


  • To set seed you have to to use set.seed(number).

    xy needs to be a matrix you have converted it to a dataframe. Try :

    xy<- cbind(rnorm(1000,100000, 100), (rnorm(1000,500000, 100)))
    Var <- rnorm(1000,2, 1)
    autocov <- autocov_dist(Var, xy, nbs=100, style="B",type="inverse")