I have been able to get multi-question exams (via R/exams) to work in blackboard without issue, but now all of a sudden any exam I import into blackboard is a single-question exam.
Such as from the example here.
exm <- cbind(c("capitals.Rmd", "swisscapital.Rmd", "switzerland.Rmd"))
## [,1]
## [1,] "capitals.Rmd"
## [2,] "swisscapital.Rmd"
## [3,] "switzerland.Rmd"
I have tried setting n
and nsamp
ini exams2blackboard
, but every single time exams in blackboard end up with only one question.
This behavior is expected because you have specified exm
as a 1-column matrix (with 3 rows containing different exercises). This will create 1 question pool containing 3 exercises. More generally, specifying an n x k matrix will create k question pools containing n exercises each.
Alternatively, you can specify a vector or a list of k exercises instead of matrix and then set exams2blackboard(exm, n = n) which will also create k question pools with n exercises each.
The reason for the different format is that they are convenient for different things: