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I have a problem with a problem that uses lists

I have a problem with this code. I have tried to debug with gdb and Valgrind, But nothing works...

The goal of the code is to create a list, where every string is added only if no existing node with the same string in already part of the list.

This is the code:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

struct node {
    char *word; 
    struct node *next; 

void print_list(struct node *head) {
    while ((head) != NULL) {
        printf(" %s -> ", head->word); 
        head = (head->next);    

// insert a new node in head
void add_n(struct node **head, char *str) {
    struct node *new; 
    new = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 
    if (new == NULL) {
        printf("Not enough memory\n");
    new->word = str; 
    new->next = NULL; 
    if ((*head) == NULL){
        (*head) = new;      
    while ((*head)->next != NULL) {
        head = &(*head)->next;
    (*head)->next = new;

// check if str is present in the list 
int find_string(struct node **head, char *str) {
    int found = 0; 
    while ((*head) != NULL) {
        int i = strcmp(str, (*head)->word);     //i=0 are the same 
        if (i == 0) {
            found = 1; 
            return found;       
        head = &((*head)->next); 
    return found; 

// insert a new string in the list only if is new
void insert(struct node **head, char *str) {
    if (find_string(head, str) == 0) {
        add_n(head, str);

void rem_ent(struct node **head, struct node *ent) {
    while ((*head) != ent) {
        head = &((*head)->next);
    (*head) = ent->next; 

void fini_list(struct node **head) {
    while ((*head) != NULL) {
        rem_ent(head, *head); 
        head = &((*head)->next);    

int main() {
    struct node *head = NULL; 

    insert(&head, "electric");

    insert(&head, "calcolatori");

    insert(&head, "prova pratica");

    insert(&head, "calcolatori");
    //printf("lunghezza media = %f\n", avg_word_lenght(head)); 
    return 0; 

Maybe the error might be stupid, but I spent a lot of time debugging without success.


  • the function fini_list invokes undefined behavior due to the redundant statement


    because the function rem_ent already set the new value of the pointer head.

    void rem_ent(struct node** head, struct node * ent){
        while((*head) != ent){
            head= &((*head)->next);
        (*head)= ent->next; 

    Remove the statement

    void fini_list(struct node** head){
        while((*head) != NULL){
            rem_ent(head, *head); 

    Also change the function add_n the following way

    // insert a new node in head
    void add_n(struct node ** head, char* str){
        struct node * new; 
        new = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 
        if (new == NULL) {
            printf("Not enough memory\n");
            new->word= str; 
            new->next = NULL; 
            if ((*head)==NULL){
                while((*head)->next != NULL){
                    head = &(*head)->next;}
                (*head)->next = new;

    And next time format the code such a way that it would be readable.

    In general you should allocate dynamically memory for strings that will be stored in nodes of the list.