I was developing an application using xcode 4 to target snow leopard (10.6) Now, nearly the end of the development, I've been asked to support 10.5+.
I have set the Mac OS deployment target to 10.5 and compiled. The compiler (LLVM 2.0) and linker seems to be happy with the change but I came across a feature I've used from NSWindow (isOnActiveSpace) which is states as AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6_AND_LATER
This I understand states that it won't work (throw exception?) in 10.5 but no warning were raised when building.
I currently don't have a leopard installation and it will take our QA some time to arrange a computer for that, so in your experience, what should I do next? how can I go over the code and make sure that all the APIs I've used are in fact safe for 10.5?
to 1050
and see what symbols disappear. More info in TN2064.