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How to install file in include directory yocto

I'm trying install files extracted from tar file, but non of my files are installing under usr/include directory on target board, but I see my files under temp/work/aarch64/recipedir/image/usr/include/mydir/ and include/myfile.h. While building I haven't got any errors.

do_install() {
     install -d ${D}${includedir}
     mkdir   -p ${D}${includedir}/mydir
     install -m 0644 ${S}/include/myfile.h ${D}${includedir}
     install -m 0644 ${S}/include/mydir/*.h ${D}${includedir}/mydir/
FILES_${PN} += "${includedir}/mydir


  • Everything in ${includedir} is put into ${PN}-dev by default.


    You have to remember that a file can only be in one package. To determine in which package a file is going to make it, it's pretty simple. Starting from leftmost package in PACKAGES, the first package to have the file matching any path in FILES_<pkg> will have the file.

    By default, ${PN}-dev appears before ${PN} in PACKAGES.


    You can check which package has your file without "reverse-engineering" the whole thing by running oe-pkgdata-util find-path '/usr/include/mydir'.

    If you really want this header file in your system (why?), you can either add ${PN}-dev to your image or hack things (remove the -dev package from PACKAGES or move ${PN} before ${PN}-dev, if you only have one file in ${includedir}, etc.).