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request() not secure in Laravel with load balancer and TrustedProxies

Why is request()->isSecure() returning false when visiting a HTTPS-url? I am using Laravel Forge and I have a load balancer. Logging the request I get this data:

request()->url(),          // "http://xx.xx"
request()->isSecure(),     // false
request()->getClientIps(), // XX.XX.XX.XX 

In TrustProxies (which is added in the $middleware array in Http/Kernel.php):

protected $proxies = [
    'XX.XX.XX.XX', // exactly the same as in the logged data above

In my AppServiceProvider's boot() method:

if (env('APP_ENV') == 'production') {


I am also using Cloudflare, and I have added all the Cloudflare proxies to $proxies as well. Check the logs, I see these headers in the request:

X-Forwarded-Proto: http
Cf-Visitor:        {"scheme":"https"}
Referer:           https://xx.xx/someurl


  • While You are using Cloudflare You should to use "Full SSL/TLS encryption mode".