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Increment number in filename for avoid overwriting wav file in a loop

i'm a novice in python and i'm trying to loop in a directory with the goal of divide each wav files contained in the folder in many chunks. I've successfully looped and divided the files but when i try to export the chunks in a new folder i can't figure it out how to change the chunk names created so that all are saved successfully (without overwriting).

import os
from pydub import AudioSegment

path = ""


audio_files = os.listdir()

for file in audio_files:

    name, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
    if ext == ".wav":
        w = AudioSegment.from_wav(file)
        chunk_length_ms = 3000 
        chunks = make_chunks(w, chunk_length_ms) 
        for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
            chunk_name = "{0}.wav".format(name)
            print ("exporting", chunk_name)
            chunk.export('dir_path' + chunk_name, format="wav")

With this code only 100 chunks are saved successfully instead of 1100. the wav files have this name structure: "genre.000x.wav", so for ex. 'Blues.00001.wav' should be chunked in : 'Blues.00001a.wav','Blues.00001b.wav',ecc. How can i do this?


  • Here's a away of adding successive lowercase letters to each file name you export in your loop:

    chunks = ['chunk1', 'chunk2', 'chunk3']
    name = 'Blues.00001'
    for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
        chunk_name = "{0}{1}.wav".format(name, chr(ord('a')+i))
        print ("exporting", chunk_name)


    exporting Blues.00001a.wav
    exporting Blues.00001b.wav
    exporting Blues.00001c.wav