I have a project using Spring Boot 2.4.1 and Hazelcast 4.1.1. I am trying to use Spring Boot autoconfiguration to setup a distributed map with a read through using a JpaRepository to populate the map. I've added application.yaml and hazelcast.yaml and provided an implementation of com.hazelcast.map.MapLoader
and com.hazelcast.map.MapLoaderLifecycleSupport
annotated with @SpringAware
. A hazelcast instance is started ok, but the MapLoader is never invoked. The hazelcast documentation just provides Spring XML config examples
and com.hazelcast.config.Config
with the MapLoader?Any guidance that you can provide would be much appreciated. Below is what I've attempted so far:
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
# datasource and JPA config omitted
config: classpath:hazelcast.yaml
cluster-name: hazelcast-cluster
enabled: true
initial-mode: EAGER
class-name: com.dev.hz.MyResourceMaploader
MapLoader implementation:
public class MyResourceMapLoader implements MapLoader<Long, MyResource>, MapLoaderLifecycleSupport {
private final MyResourceRepository repo;
public MyResourceMapLoader(MyResourceRepository repo) {
this.repo = repo;
public MyResource load(Long key) {
return this.repo.findById(key).orElse(null);
public Map<Long, MyResource> loadAll(Collection<Long> keys) {
Map<Long, MyResource> myResourceMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Long key : keys) {
MyResource myResource = this.load(key);
if (myResource != null) {
myResourceMap.put(key, myResource);
return myResourceMap;
public Iterable<Long> loadAllKeys() {
return this.repo.findAllIds();
public void init(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance, Properties properties, String mapName) {
public void destroy() {
One way is by having a @Component
class that implements MapStoreFactory
. The factory needs to implement:
MapLoader newMapStore(String mapName, Properties properties)
and can use the map name to find the relevant bean.
Then in your @Configuration
you can inject the factory, and use it to set the factory implementation on the map's map store configuration object.
This may also be a solution, though I've not tried it.