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Correct Use of Spring Boot Hazelcast Auto-Configuration with @SpringAware MapLoader

I have a project using Spring Boot 2.4.1 and Hazelcast 4.1.1. I am trying to use Spring Boot autoconfiguration to setup a distributed map with a read through using a JpaRepository to populate the map. I've added application.yaml and hazelcast.yaml and provided an implementation of and annotated with @SpringAware. A hazelcast instance is started ok, but the MapLoader is never invoked. The hazelcast documentation just provides Spring XML config examples

  • Is it possible to combine Spring Boot auto config of Hazelcast with a MapLoader, or do I need to provide my own com.hazelcast.config.MapConfig and com.hazelcast.config.Config beans?
  • How do I use @SpringAware with the MapLoader?
  • What should go in the init method?
  • Do I need to register the Spring context with the Hazelcast context?

Any guidance that you can provide would be much appreciated. Below is what I've attempted so far:


    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->





# datasource and JPA config omitted
    config: classpath:hazelcast.yaml


  cluster-name: hazelcast-cluster
        enabled: true
        initial-mode: EAGER

MapLoader implementation:

public class MyResourceMapLoader implements MapLoader<Long, MyResource>, MapLoaderLifecycleSupport {

    private final MyResourceRepository repo;

    public MyResourceMapLoader(MyResourceRepository repo) {
        this.repo = repo;

    public MyResource load(Long key) {
        return this.repo.findById(key).orElse(null);

    public Map<Long, MyResource> loadAll(Collection<Long> keys) {
        Map<Long, MyResource> myResourceMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (Long key : keys) {
            MyResource myResource = this.load(key);
            if (myResource != null) {
                myResourceMap.put(key, myResource);
        return myResourceMap;

    public Iterable<Long> loadAllKeys() {
        return this.repo.findAllIds();

    public void init(HazelcastInstance hazelcastInstance, Properties properties, String mapName) {

    public void destroy() {



  • One way is by having a @Component class that implements MapStoreFactory. The factory needs to implement:

    MapLoader newMapStore(String mapName, Properties properties)

    and can use the map name to find the relevant bean.

    Then in your @Configuration you can inject the factory, and use it to set the factory implementation on the map's map store configuration object.

    This may also be a solution, though I've not tried it.