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Why can't I open a *.w file in the appBuilder?

I have a *.w file, referring to two include files ({incl\include_file.i}, {incl\do_something_file.i}). That first include-file contains the definition of a RECID variable "recordid":


I am capable to compile the *.w file, the listing file looks as follows: (just a fragment)

Prompt>findstr "recordid do_something" listing.txt
 1    x       DEF INPUT-OUTPUT PARAMETER recordid      AS RECID.
 1    x   1   {incl\do_something_file.i
 2    x   1 INPUT-OUTPUT recordid

So, the compilation works. In top of that, I've checked the pairs of "&ANALYZE-SUSPEND" and "&ANALYZE-RESUME" clauses and everything is fine.

Nevertheless, I can't open the *.w file, as the mentioned RECID seems not to be known (errors 201 and 196).

Edit after first comments This the exact error message I get while opening the *.w file, using the AppBuilder (I'm working with a Dutch version of the tool, hence the Dutch words in between):

This file cannot be analyzed  by the AppBuilder. 
Please check these problems in your file or environment: 

** Onbekende veld- of variabelenaam - recordid. (201)
** .\incl\<do_something_file>.i Compilatiefout op regel 7. (196)

Edit with more information on ANALYZE- clauses I've launched following findstr command on my code with the following results:

Prompt>findstr /I "ANALYZE-RESUME ANALYZE-SUSPEND" <filename>.w

I confirm that the number of &ANALYZE-SUSPEND clauses equals the number of &ANALYZE-RESUME clauses, they are in the right sequence (first a SUSPEND and then a RESUME) and none of them is commented out.

Does anybody have an idea what's going wrong?


  • The problem was caused by an include, being outside of an suspend resume clause, in order to solve such a situation the following command might be useful:

    findstr /I "ANALYZE {incl" <source_file>.w

    The result should look like the following:


    You see following rules:

    1. The number of suspends and resumes must be equal.
    2. Every suspend is to be closed by a resume.
    3. Not one of those can be commented out.
    4. It is advised to have includes between the suspend and the resume.