I'm trying to write function which calculates the integral using the Monte Carlo method in MATLAB. I'm not familiar enough with MATLAB to understand why I'm getting the issue of the integration being different each time. this is my code:
N = 1000; %random samples
a = 0; % lower bound
b = 3; %upper bound
syms z % zero vector holder to find max y value
z = zeros(size(x2));
z = f(x2);
y = f(b).*rand(1,1000);
x = a +(b-a)*rand(1,N);
count = 0;
for k=1:numel(x);
%produce random x coordinate
if y(k) <= f(x);
count= count +1;
i = (b-a)/N*sum(f(x));
When I run this, the i value changes each time but I want the integral to be calculated using the for loop. Thanks
Your i calculation at the end is wrong, it should be along the lines of
count/numel(x) * max(z) * (b-a)