I have an Outlook web add-in which should load data from the MS-Graph. So I added a App Registration with the scopes the backend needs to get the needed information. To request the token I use:
forMSGraphAccess: true
Further I added my needes scopes to the manifest.xml
like so:
As described here:
https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-js-docs-pr/blob/master/docs/develop/sso-in-office-add-ins.md https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-js-docs-pr/blob/master/docs/develop/authorize-to-microsoft-graph.md
My expectation is that the scopes, defined in App Registration and Manifest, are present in the resulting token. (Which they were when I worked on my add-in last year). In fact they aren't there at all, but the token is valid.
Decoded token:
Why is this? How to get the scopes into the token?
The token is intended to have only the "access_as_user" scope and the other scopes have to be requested by the application itself. See the following issue: https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-js/issues/1594
Other helpful links to get the Graph requests working: