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Do you need a realtime operating system in order to ensure your program is never taken off the CPU?

If I were to write a program and I wanted to be guaranteed that the program never sees an instance where, after it is running, it gets kicked off of the cpu until program termination, would I need an RTOS or is there a way to have such an experience guranteed on a regular linux os.

Example: Lets say we a running a headless Linux machine and running a program as user or root (eg reading SPI data from a sensor, listening for http requests) and there is reason to believe there is almost almost no other interaction with the machine aside from the single standalone script running.

If I wanted to ensure that my process running never gets taken off my cpu even for a moment such that I never miss valuable sensor information or incoming http requests, does this warrant a real-time operating system to keep this guarantee?

  • are process priorities of programs ran by the user / root enough of a priority to not get kicked off?
  • is a realtime os needed to guarantee our program never witnesses a moment when it is kicked off of the cpu?

I know that Real Time OS are needed for guarantees on hard limits and hard deadlines of events. I also know that on a regular operating system it is up to the OS to decide priority and scheduling.

if this is in the wrong stack let me know.


  • Do you need to act on sensor readings in a constant time frame? How complicated this action should be? If all you need is to never miss a reading and you're ok with buffering them - just add a microcontroller or an FPGA in between your non-realtime device and a sensor.

    Also, you can ensure some soft real time constraints even with an unpatched Linux. You can pin a process to a CPU and avoid using any syscalls in it - spin and poll instead, at 100% CPU utilisation, and then it's likely kernel will never touch it. Make sure the process binary and all the dynamic libraries (if any) are on a RAM disk (to avoid paging) and disable swap.