Here is my scenario, i am trying to use the id coming from one API response in another API :
Below is Component.vue:
<div class="Contents">
<div class="vx-col" v-for="idea in ideas" v-bind:key="">
{{}} of {{}}
<div v-if="sum">
async created () {
await this.$http.get('/ideas')
.then((response) => { this.ideas = })
.catch((error) => { console.log(error) })
methods: {
this.$http.get('/sum_of_ideas/'+ id +'/everything')
.then((response) => { this.sum = })
.catch((error) => {console.log(error)})
mounted (){
this.getSumOfIdeas( //Here i am trying to give that id coming from the /ideas
Here is what console.log( gives in /ideas:
Don't know where i am going wrong, currently in my console i get an error as :
/sum_of_ideas/undefined/everything // so here id coming from the /ideas should have been rendered.
To make it clear i have used an example of {{}} and this displays just the number each time it loops.
Please help me in this, i want to use the response coming from the /ideas ie id in another response here it is /sum-of-ideas.
When you are calling this.getSumOfIdeas(
you are trying to access id
of ideas
which does not exist. Either use something like this.getSumOfIdeas(this.ideas[0].id)
to access id
of the first object or use a loop to iterate over the ideas and call this.getSumOfIdeas(
this.ideas.forEach(idea => this.getSumOfIdeas(