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Difference between Record<key, type> and [key: string]: type

I want to know the difference between the Record<key, type> and the [key: string]: type. Could we use them interchangeably? Which is more dynamic and type-safe?

I have one example where I have used both of them interchangeably. Which one is good practice to use?

//Record example
interface PageInfo {
  title: string;

type Page = "home" | "about" | "contact";

const nav: Record<Page, PageInfo> = {
  about: { title: "about" },
  contact: { title: "contact" },
  home: { title: "home" },

// object example

type Page2 = {
  [key: string]: PageInfo;

const navHtml: Page2 = {
  about: { title: "about" },
  contact: { title: "contact" },
  home: { title: "home" },


Typescript playground for this example


  • first of all, AFAIK, none of them is completely type safe.

    See this issue

    You can use union type as a key in Record - Record<Page, PageInfo>, which you can't in indexed type:

    type Page2 = {
      [key: string | number | symbol]: PageInfo; // error


    //Record example
    interface PageInfo {
      title: string;
    type Page = "home" | "about" | "contact";
    const nav: Record<Page, PageInfo> = {
      about: { title: "about" },
      contact: { title: "contact" },
      home: { title: "home" },
    // object example
    type Page2 = {
      [key: string]: PageInfo;
    const navHtml: Page2 = {
      about: { title: "about" },
      contact: { title: "contact" },
      home: { title: "home" },
     * If you have a string as a key - no problem
    type Test1 = Record<string, string> extends { [p: string]: string } ? true : false // true
    type Test2 = { [p: string]: string } extends Record<string, string> ? true : false // true
    const foo = (arg: Record<string, string>) => arg
    const indexed: { [p: string]: string } = { bar: 'bar' }
    foo(indexed) // no error
     * And vice-versa
    const bar = (arg: { [p: string]: string }) => arg
    const record: Record<string, string> = { bar: 'bar' }
    foo(record) // no error
     * But if you have a union type as a key
     * Above approach will not work
    type Test3 = Record<'a' | 'b', string> extends { [p: string]: string } ? true : false // true
    type Test4 = { [p: string]: string } extends Record<'a' | 'b', string> ? true : false // false
    const withIndex: Record<'a' | 'b', string> = { bar: 'bar' } // missing a,b


     * Explanation of Record<'a'|'b', string>
     * It is mean that objects should have a & b keys
    type CustomRecord = Record<'a' | 'b', string>
    const allowedRecord: CustomRecord = {
      a: '1',
      b: '2'
    } // ok
    const allowedRecord2: CustomRecord = {
      a: '1',
    } // error, because without b
    const allowedRecord3: CustomRecord = {
      b: '1',
    } // error, because without a
     * You are unable to do same thing with indexed type
    type TypeIndexedWIthExplicitKeys = {
      [p: string | number]: string
    interface InterfaceIndexedWIthExplicitKeys {
      [p: 'a' | 'b']: string
    const x: InterfaceIndexedWIthExplicitKeys = { 2: 's' } // no error, but.... I would expect an error
    const y: TypeIndexedWIthExplicitKeys = { 2: 's' } // no error, but.... I would expect an error
    const check = (): InterfaceIndexedWIthExplicitKeys => {
      return { 2: 2 } // no error, but I would expect
    type MyRecord = Record<'a' | 'b', string>
    const z: MyRecord = { 2: '2' } // error, because we expect a & b
    const c: MyRecord = { a: '2', b: '3' } // ok