Search code examples

Hovering searchView with menu

I was implementing a searchview in the app bar in my app, so everything is nicely compact. Just checked my mails in GMail and noticed they don't seem to use the app bar. Gmail example I googled a bit but couldn't find what they use. Is it a modified app bar design or a hovering searchview that got a modification for a menu? Any ideas?


  • Found the answer here: Android Google Search Bar with Drawer

    For anyone that wants to test the code, I add even the required xml files (but you can use your own if you have): ic_menu.xml

    <vector xmlns:android="" android:height="24dp"
        android:viewportHeight="330" android:viewportWidth="330" android:width="24dp">
        <path android:fillColor="#77000000"
            android:pathData="M135,90H15c-8.284,0 -15,6.716 -15,15s6.716,15 15,15h120c8.284,0 15,-6.716 15,-15S143.284,90 135,90z"/>
        <path android:fillColor="#77000000"
            android:pathData="M135,150H15c-8.284,0 -15,6.716 -15,15c0,8.284 6.716,15 15,15h120c8.284,0 15,-6.716 15,-15C150,156.716 143.284,150 135,150z"/>
        <path android:fillColor="#77000000"
            android:pathData="M135,210H15c-8.284,0 -15,6.716 -15,15c0,8.284 6.716,15 15,15h120c8.284,0 15,-6.716 15,-15C150,216.716 143.284,210 135,210z"/>


    <shape xmlns:android="">
        <corners android:radius="15dip" />
        <solid android:color="@android:color/white" />