I am new to DDS,I am using CyclonesDDS c++ packages
as I know DDS implementation mechanism is published/subscribe
is it possible to perform a request-response in DDS? like in clenet-server applications?
A client pc will request data then a central pc will respond with data
should I implement it logically in the program? is following way is the optimum method
client PC -> request logic -> client PC publish to a requestData topic
central PC -> waiting for requst topic -> central PC subscribe requestData check if data is requesting
central PC -> response logic -> central PC publish data to a dataWrite topic
client PC -> waiting for data topic -> central PC subscribe dataWrite topic and read data
are there callback functions to perform this?
Yes, it is possible to implement request-response logic over DDS. In fact, the OMG RPC Over DDS specification defines a Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) framework using the basic building blocks of DDS. That seems to provide what you are looking for.
For some concrete documentation provided by a vendor that implements this kind of logic as part of their product, you could check out the RTI Connext User's Manual Part 4: Request-Reply Communication Pattern.