We found there are predefined
// p256Zero31 is 0 mod p.
var p256Zero31 = [p256Limbs]uint32{two31m3, two30m2, two31m2, two30p13m2, two31m2, two30m2, two31p24m2, two30m27m2, two31m2}
in crypto/elliptic/p256.go. p224.go has similar var p224ZeroModP31. Per check the reference from p224.go. at https://www.imperialviolet.org/2010/12/04/ecc.html. We also can't find detail of "0 mod p" from Subtraction part.
We also can find such definition in openssl implementation: https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/master/crypto/ec/ecp_nistp256.c
What's the fomula to get p256Zero31 ? I calcualted 0x7ffff * p, it's not equal to p256Zero31. 0x7ffff * p < p256Zero31 < 0x80000 * p
I found the logic finally,
p256Zero31 = {two31,two30,two31,two30,two31,two30,two31,two30,two31} - {two31,two30,two31,two30,two31,two30,two31,two30,two31} mod P
And convert the bigInt to limbs.