I'm using Google Cloud Build with Kaniko (for docker layer caching).
I wanted to add a first step before running kaniko and realised that my .gcloudignore
is not taken into account when Github app send the trigger. It works when I call the command myself gcloud builds submit
# If you would like to upload your .git directory, .gitignore file or
# files from your .gitignore file, remove the corresponding line below:
- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
docker -v && ls -lah
- name: 'gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:latest'
id: 'image-base'
- --build-arg=git_hash=$SHORT_SHA
When using the CLI it works well, the ls is showing only what should be there.
But when gcb receive a github trigger the ls -lah
will print a lot of files that should be ignored with the include:.dockerignore
I don't understand and it drives me insane 😆 Can someone help me please?
As defined here, gcloud
cli can update files in different commands. using a .gcloudignore
file allows gcloud
cli to not upload these files.
That's all, it's only for gcloud
, not for other code upload process.