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Powershell Trying To Restart Print Spooler

I have a PowerShell script that obtains the actual name of the Windows Print Spooler

$serviceDisplayName = "Print Spooler"
$actualServiceName = (Get-Service -DisplayName "$serviceDisplayName").Name

I can find out accurately whether or not the Print Spooler is running:

    $serviceInqResults = get-service -Name $actualServiceName -ErrorVariable err

    write-output "An exception occurred while trying to see if $serviceDisplayName were running or not."
    write-output $err

But, when I try to restart the Print Spooler by either it's real name or its display name, I get the same error:

if($serviceInqResults.Status -ne "Running")
    write-output "The service is not running. Starting the $serviceDisplayName "

        Start-Service -Name $actualServiceName -ErrorVariable err
        write-output $err

Service 'Print Spooler (Spooler)' cannot be started due 
to the following error: Cannot open Spooler service on computer '.'.

I have tried starting the service with the name "Print Spooler", "Spooler", "Print Spooler (Spooler)" all with the same error, and yet I can start it in the service control manager (Services).

I am wondering what I am missing.


  • i don't understand why your code is not working. [blush] however, the following works on my win10, 20h2 install, while running elevated ...

    $PrintSpooler = Get-Service -Name Spooler
    if ($PrintSpooler.Status -eq 'running')
        Stop-Service -InputObject $PrintSpooler
    Get-Service -Name Spooler
    Start-Service -Name Spooler
    Get-Service -Name Spooler

    output ...

    Status   Name               DisplayName
    ------   ----               -----------
    Running  Spooler            Print Spooler
    Stopped  Spooler            Print Spooler
    Running  Spooler            Print Spooler