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How to Handle 2 Million Products

I work for a web company and we currently use a highly modified version of OSCommerce as our primary ecommerce application, but recently we have been approached by a number of companies with over 2 million individual product models they want to sell online.

Essentially my question is - are there any prebuilt PHP/MySQL shopping applications that are going to handle this many products gracefully or am I out of luck on that front? Am I going to need to create a custom app? What are my options here?

Would a nosql database be better than MySQL?


  • The answer to my own 10 year old question is basically what @jvenema was trying to tell me in his comment. Indexes. Good indexes.

    10 years ago me had essentially no idea what he was doing, we largely only added indexes when there was a performance issue.

    2 million rows in a database to me these days is basically nothing. Where I work now we have tables terabytes in size with billions and billions of rows.