I want to get a weight from a scale in C# so I'm using a TCP connection for that.
This is my code,
private TcpClient _client;
public NetworkStream Stream { get; private set; }
public ScalesService()
_client = new TcpClient();
async public Task<string> TestRead()
var responseLength = 1024;
var readResponse = new byte[responseLength];
string result = "";
await _client.ConnectAsync("", 1182);
Stream = _client.GetStream();
var cmdUser = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("user admin\n");
await Stream.WriteAsync(cmdUser, 0, cmdUser.Length);
var countCmdUser = await Stream.ReadAsync(readResponse, 0, readResponse.Length);
var responseCmdUser = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readResponse, 0, countCmdUser);
var cmdRead = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("read wt0501\n");
await Stream.WriteAsync(cmdRead, 0, cmdRead.Length);
var countCmdRead = await Stream.ReadAsync(readResponse, 0, readResponse.Length);
var responseCmdRead = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readResponse, 0, countCmdRead);
//result = responseCmdRead;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseCmdRead))
// Expected Return: [00R001~ 10300~]
var responseArray = responseCmdRead.Split('~');
if (responseArray.Length >= 2)
var weightString = responseArray[1];
float grossNetWt;
result = weightString;
//if (float.TryParse(weightString, out grossNetWt))
// result = grossNetWt;
var cmdQuit = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("quit\n");
await Stream.WriteAsync(cmdQuit, 0, cmdQuit.Length);
return result;
It seems like the stream doesn't wait to send me the full answer. I got different results when I put breakpoints or not. Is there a better way to do that? I was thinking that the await
would be a good solution.
As noted in the comment, TCP/IP sockets are streams of bytes, not packets. If you want to read/write an entire message, you need to use some kind of message framing.
Since you already have a device, the type of message framing should be documented in the device's protocol specification. From the example code you posted, it looks like it's using a message delimiter of \n
. So you'll need to have a read loop that adds bytes to a buffer until you see the \n