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Scatter palindrome - How to parse through a dictionary to figure out combinations of substrings that form a palindrome

I was given this HC problem at an interview. I was able to come up with what I'll call a brute force method. Here is the problem statement:

Find all the scatter palindromes in a given string, "aabb". The substrings can be scattered but rearranged to form a palindrome. example: a, aa, aab, aabb, a, abb, b, bb, bba and b are the substrings that satisfy this criteria.

My logic:

divide the str into substrings
counter = 0
if the len(substr) is even:
  and substr == reverse(substr)
  increment counter
  store all the number of occurrences of each str of substr in a dict
  process dict somehow to figure out if it can be arranged into a palindrome
  ###### this is where I ran out of ideas ######

My code:

class Solution:
def countSubstrings(self, s: str) -> int:
    n = len(s)
    for i in range(0,n-1): #i=0
        for j in range(i+1,n+1): #j=1
            temp = s[i:j]
            if len(temp) == 1:
            # if the len of substring is even,
            # check if the reverse of the string is same as the string
            elif(len(temp)%2 == 0):
                if (temp == temp[::-1]):
                # create a dict to check how many times
                # each value has occurred
                d = {}
                for l in range(len(temp)):
                    if temp[l] in d:
                        d[temp[l]] = d[temp[l]]+1
                        d[temp[l]] = 1

    return c

op = Solution()

By now, it must be obvious I'm a beginner. I'm sure there are better, more complicated ways to solve this. Some of my code is adapted from visleck's logic here and I wasn't able to follow the second half of it. If someone can explain it, that would be great as well.


  • As a partial answer, the test for a string being a scattered palindrome is simple: if the number of letters which occur an odd number of times is at most 1, it is a scattered palindrome. Otherwise it isn't.

    It can be implemented like this:

    from collections import Counter
    def scattered_palindrome(s):
        counts = Counter(s)
        return len([count for count in counts.values() if count % 2 == 1]) <= 1

    For example,

    >>> scattered_palindrome('abb')
    >>> scattered_palindrome('abbb')

    Note that at no stage is it necessary to compare a string with its reverse. Also, note that I used a Counter object to keep track of the letter counts. This is a streamlined way of creating a dictionary-like collection of letter counts.