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matlab: what is the command-line equivalent of 'copy figure'?

If I use print -clipboard -dmeta I get a different result (non-vectorized when pasting into Illustrator) than when I literally click 'copy figure' in the figure window.

  1. Does anyone know what happens when you click 'copy figure' in the figure menu ('under the hood'?)
  2. Is there a matlab function that would mimic this function more precisely than
    print -clipboard -dmeta?

ver output:

MATLAB Version: (R2020b) Update 2


  • It seems, something is not correct, because the command print -clipboard -dmeta copy the figure as vector data

    Anyway you can alternatively save as the current figure with Enhanced metafile extension: saveas(gcf, 'Fig1.emf'), then load the vector-based file into any software.