For debugging purposes, when working on PHP projects with many file / many include
(example: Wordpress code), I would sometimes be interested in seeing the "unwrapped" code, and to amalgamate / flatten ("flatten" is the terminology used in Photoshop-like tools when you merge many layers into one layer) all files into one big PHP file.
How to do an amalgamation of multiple PHP files?
$ php index.php --amalgamation
would take these files as input:
$color = 'green';
$fruit = 'apple';
include 'vars.php';
echo "A $color $fruit";
and produce this amalgamated output:
$color = 'green';
$fruit = 'apple';
echo "A $color $fruit";
(it should work also with many files, e.g. if index.php
includes vars.php
which itself includes abc.php
We can write an amalgamation/bundling script that fetches a given file's contents and matches any instances of include|require
, and then fetches any referred files' contents, and substitutes the include/require calls with the actual code.
The following is a rudimentary implementation that will work (based on a very limited test on files with nested references) with any number of files that include/require other files.
// Main file that references further files:
$start = 'test/test.php';
function bundle_files(string $filepath)
// Fetch current code
$code = file_get_contents($filepath);
// Set directory for referred files
$dirname = pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_DIRNAME);
// Match and substitute include/require(_once) with code:
$rx = '~((include|require)(_once)?)\s+[\'"](?<path>[^\'"]+)[\'"];~';
$code = preg_replace_callback($rx, function($m) use ($dirname) {
// Ensure a valid filepath or abort:
if($path = realpath($dirname . '/' . $m['path'])) {
return bundle_files($path);
} else {
die("Filepath Read Fail: {$dirname}/{$m['path']}");
}, $code);
// Remove opening PHP tags, note source filepath
$code = preg_replace('~^\s*<\?php\s*~i', "\n// ==== Source: {$filepath} ====\n\n", $code);
// Remove closing PHP tags, if any
$code = preg_replace('~\?>\s*$~', '', $code);
return $code;
$bundle = '<?php ' . "\n" . bundle_files($start);
file_put_contents('bundle.php', $bundle);
echo $bundle;
Here we use preg_replace_callback()
to match and substitute in order of appearance, with the callback calling the bundling function on each matched filepath and substituting include/require references with the actual code. The function also includes a comment line indicating the source of the included file, which may come in handy if/when you're debugging the compiled bundle file.
, code will be re-included. (Easy to remedy by recording included filepaths and skipping recurrences.)"path/file.php"
, ie. unbroken strings inside single/double quotes. Concatenated strings are not matched.declare(strict_types=1);
, place it atop and eliminate following instances.Please report any glitches and edge cases. Feel free to develop and (freely) share.