I have this column:
USA France 212 13
Canada Spain 34 23
Me ico Italy 4 390
india Portugal 5900 32
Malaysia Holland 15 43
I want to remove the spaces like this:
USA France 212 13
Canada Spain 34 23
Me ico Italy 4390
indiaPortugal5900 32
Malaysia Holland 15 43
and add a custom number of spaces between them
(the same number of spaces between every column).
Is there a way to do this?
(for my left and right-aligned tables)
Does anyone know how to check the content of a column (\%.c)?
A solution using 'perl'. I suppose first column is 8 characters width.
use strict;
use warnings;
## Hash with contents of each line. Example:
## $file{ 1 } = "... line 1 ..."
## $file{ 2 } = "... line 2 ..."
## ...
my %file;
## Max. number of characters of each column.
## $col_length[0] will have the max. number of characters of all string of
## first column, and the same for the others.
my @col_length;
while ( <> ) {
next if /^\s*$/;
## Save fixed columns in array.
## A8 -> 8 characters of first columns.
## A11 -> 11 characters of second column.
## ...
my @line = unpack( "A8A11A7A7", $_ );
## Remove leading and trailing spaces of each field.
@line = map { s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; $_ } @line;
## Save max. number of characters of each column.
for ( 0 .. $#line ) {
my $l = length $line[$_];
$col_length[$_] = $l > ($col_length[$_] || 0) ? $l : $col_length[$_];
## Save each input line.
push @{ $file{ $. } }, @line;
## Print to output.
for ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %file ) {
my $format = join "", (map { "%" . $_ . "s" } @col_length), "\n";
printf $format, @{$file{ $_ }};
Input file (infile):
USA France 212 13
Canada Spain 34 23
Me ico Italy 4 390
india Portugal 5900 32
Malaysia Holland 15 43
$ perl script.pl infile
USA France 212 13
Canada Spain 34 23
Me ico Italy 4390
indiaPortugal5900 32
Malaysia Holland 15 43