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how to display video.js controls outside of video player

I want to auto play a video and show mute and fullscreen control buttons outside the video player. I'm not able to achieve this because in order to mute/unmute or fullscreen the video the user has to interact with the video player first.

these are my videoplayer options:
  videoOptions: {
        // video player options
        autoplay: true,
        muted: true, // muted: true is required for autoplay
        loop: true,
        controls: true,
        sources: [],
        overlays: [],
        controlBar: {
          playToggle: false,
          captionsButton: false,
          chaptersButton: false,
          subtitlesButton: false,
          remainingTimeDisplay: false,
          progressControl: {
            seekBar: false
          fullscreenToggle: false,
          playbackRateMenuButton: false


  • First step is to hide the video player controls by setting controls to false in videoOptions prop.

     videoOptions: {
        // video player options
        autoplay: true,
        muted: true, // muted: true is required for autoplay
        loop: false,
        controls: false, // showing controls in replay
        sources: [],
        overlays: [],
        fullscreen: false,
        controlBar: {
          playToggle: true,
          captionsButton: false,
          chaptersButton: false,
          subtitlesButton: false,
          remainingTimeDisplay: true,
          volumePanel: false,
          pictureInPictureToggle: false,
          progressControl: {
            seekBar: true
          fullscreenToggle: false,
          playbackRateMenuButton: false

    then add buttons for play/pause fullscreen outside the video tag or player and attach click event listners to these buttons and in my case I needed fullscreen, play and mute button which can call these functions in their click listenrs

    this.player.requestFullscreen(); // request fullscreen
    this.player.exitFullscreen(); // exit fullscreen
    this.player().play(); // play button
    this.player.muted(value); // mute button, value can be true or false

    due to the auto play policy a user click event is required for these to work which is fullfiled as pllay/fullscreen/muted functions are called inside click listners.