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Specifying weaker Aux type bound does not cause compile error

Here is an example:

sealed trait Type
object Type {
    case object Type1 extends Type
    case object Type2 extends Type

sealed trait TypedTrait {
    type Tpe <: Type

object TypedTrait {
    type Aux[T <: Type] = TypedTrait{ type Tpe = T }

sealed trait Test {
    //Bounded with TypedTrait.Aux[Type.Type1.type]
    type TptTrait <: TypedTrait.Aux[Type.Type1.type]

object Test {
    //No TypedTrait.Aux[Type.Type1.type] type bound
    type Aux[T <: TypedTrait] = Test { type TptTrait = T } //compiles fine, but I expected error

The example compiles for both Scala 2 and Scala 3, but it does not seem to make sense. Why does it compile?


  • While this compiles you cannot instantiate this type with a bad type:

    class Wololo extends TypedTrait { type Tpe = Type.Type2.type } // bad type
    val ax: Test.Aux[Wololo] = new Test { type TptTrait = Wololo }

    This fails with incompatible type in overriding
    type TptTrait <: ammonite.$sess.cmd1.TypedTrait.Aux[ammonite.$sess.cmd1.Type.Type1.type] (defined in trait Test);
     found   : ammonite.$sess.cmd1.Wololo
     required:  <: ammonite.$sess.cmd1.TypedTrait.Aux[ammonite.$sess.cmd1.Type.Type1.type]
        (which expands to)   <: ammonite.$sess.cmd1.TypedTrait{type Tpe = ammonite.$sess.cmd1.Type.Type1.type}
    val ax: Test.Aux[Wololo] = new Test { type TptTrait = Wololo }
    Compilation Failed


    class Wololo extends TypedTrait { type Tpe = Type.Type1.type } // good type
    val ax: Test.Aux[Wololo] = new Test { type TptTrait = Wololo }

    succeeds with

    ax: Test.Aux[Wololo] = ammonite.$sess.cmd1$$anon$1@78de58ea

    So we can conclude that the bounds here combines, but aren't failing until you actually try to create an instance that would violate the constraints. Probably this isn't triggering any of cases where spec would let it fail immediately (after all you can create a valid instance!), so the check/proof is deferred until you try to create an actual instance.

    (I evaluated it in Ammonite as a whole block because of sealed traits)

    @ {
      sealed trait Type
      object Type {
          case object Type1 extends Type
          case object Type2 extends Type
      sealed trait TypedTrait {
          type Tpe <: Type
      object TypedTrait {
          type Aux[T <: Type] = TypedTrait{ type Tpe = T }
      sealed trait Test {
          //Bounded with TypedTrait.Aux[Type.Type1.type]
          type TptTrait <: TypedTrait.Aux[Type.Type1.type]
      object Test {
          type Aux[T <: TypedTrait] = Test { type TptTrait = T }
      class Wololo extends TypedTrait { type Tpe = Type.Type1.type }
      val ax: Test.Aux[Wololo] = new Test { type TptTrait = Wololo }
    defined trait Type
    defined object Type
    defined trait TypedTrait
    defined object TypedTrait
    defined trait Test
    defined object Test
    defined class Wololo
    ax: Test.Aux[Wololo] = ammonite.$sess.cmd1$$anon$1@78de58ea