I want to create a rounded image widget, but it ends up pixelated.
With Image.network(url)
, I get the following:
while the original looks like this:
Here is the relevant code:
class RoundedImage extends StatelessWidget {
final String URL;
final double size;
final bool dynamicallySized;
final double borderRadius;
final bool onlyTopBorderRadius;
const RoundedImage({
@required this.size,
@required this.url,
this.dynamicallySized = false,
this.borderRadius = 8.0,
this.onlyTopBorderRadius = false,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final newSize = dynamicallySized ? PaddingUtils.getPadding(context, padding: size) : size;
return ClipRRect(
onlyTopBorderRadius ? BorderRadius.vertical(top: Radius.circular(borderRadius)) : BorderRadius.circular(borderRadius),
child: CachedNetworkImage(
imageUrl: url,
height: newSize,
width: newSize,
fit: BoxFit.cover,
Try to add this property to CachedNetworkImage
filterQuality: FilterQuality.high