I would like to smooth an Impulse Response audio file. The FFT of the file shows that it is very spikey. I would like to smooth out the audio file, not just its plot, so that I have a smoother IR file. I have found a function that shows the FFT plot smoothed out. How could this smoothing be applied to the actual FFT data and not just to the plot of it?
[y,Fs] = audioread('test\test IR.wav');
function x_oct = smoothSpectrum(X,f,Noct)
%SMOOTHSPECTRUM Apply 1/N-octave smoothing to a frequency spectrum
%% Input checking
assert(isvector(X), 'smoothSpectrum:invalidX', 'X must be a vector.');
assert(isvector(f), 'smoothSpectrum:invalidF', 'F must be a vector.');
assert(isscalar(Noct), 'smoothSpectrum:invalidNoct', 'NOCT must be a scalar.');
assert(isreal(X), 'smoothSpectrum:invalidX', 'X must be real.');
assert(all(f>=0), 'smoothSpectrum:invalidF', 'F must contain positive values.');
assert(Noct>=0, 'smoothSpectrum:invalidNoct', 'NOCT must be greater than or equal to 0.');
assert(isequal(size(X),size(f)), 'smoothSpectrum:invalidInput', 'X and F must be the same size.');
%% Smoothing
% calculates a Gaussian function for each frequency, deriving a
% bandwidth for that frequency
x_oct = X; % initial spectrum
if Noct > 0 % don't bother if no smoothing
for i = find(f>0,1,'first'):length(f)
g = gauss_f(f,f(i),Noct);
x_oct(i) = sum(g.*X); % calculate smoothed spectral coefficient
% remove undershoot when X is positive
if all(X>=0)
x_oct(x_oct<0) = 0;
function g = gauss_f(f_x,F,Noct)
% GAUSS_F calculate frequency-domain Gaussian with unity gain
% G = GAUSS_F(F_X,F,NOCT) calculates a frequency-domain Gaussian function
% for frequencies F_X, with centre frequency F and bandwidth F/NOCT.
sigma = (F/Noct)/pi; % standard deviation
g = exp(-(((f_x-F).^2)./(2.*(sigma^2)))); % Gaussian
g = g./sum(g); % normalise magnitude
% take fft
Y = fft(y);
% keep only meaningful frequencies
NFFT = length(y);
if mod(NFFT,2)==0
Nout = (NFFT/2)+1;
Nout = (NFFT+1)/2;
Y = Y(1:Nout);
f = ((0:Nout-1)'./NFFT).*Fs;
% put into dB
Y = 20*log10(abs(Y)./NFFT);
% smooth
Noct = 12;
Z = smoothSpectrum(Y,f,Noct);
% plot
grid on
PS. I have Octave GNU, so I don't have the functions that are available with Matlab Toolboxes.
I think I found it. Since the FFT of the audio file (which is real numbers) is symmetric, with the same real part on both sides but opposite imaginary part, I thought of doing this:
Here is the code:
[y,Fs] = audioread('test IR.wav');
function x_oct = smoothSpectrum(X,f,Noct)
x_oct = X; % initial spectrum
if Noct > 0 % don't bother if no smoothing
for i = find(f>0,1,'first'):length(f)
g = gauss_f(f,f(i),Noct);
x_oct(i) = sum(g.*X); % calculate smoothed spectral coefficient
% remove undershoot when X is positive
if all(X>=0)
x_oct(x_oct<0) = 0;
function g = gauss_f(f_x,F,Noct)
sigma = (F/Noct)/pi; % standard deviation
g = exp(-(((f_x-F).^2)./(2.*(sigma^2)))); % Gaussian
g = g./sum(g); % normalise magnitude
% take fft
Y = fft(y);
% keep only meaningful frequencies
NFFT = length(y);
if mod(NFFT,2)==0
Nout = (NFFT/2)+1;
Nout = (NFFT+1)/2;
Y = Y(1:Nout);
f = ((0:Nout-1)'./NFFT).*Fs;
% smooth
Noct = 12;
Z = smoothSpectrum(Y,f,Noct);
% plot
grid on
#Apply the smoothing to the actual data
Zreal = real(Z); # real part
Zimag_neg = Zreal - Z; # opposite of imaginary part
Zneg = Zreal + Zimag_neg; # will be used for the symmetric Z
# Z + its symmetry with same real part but opposite imaginary part
reconstructed = [Z ; Zneg(end-1:-1:2)];
# Take the real part of the inverse FFT
reconstructed = real(ifft(reconstructed));
#Write to file
audiowrite ('smoothIR.wav', reconstructed, Fs, 'BitsPerSample', 24);
Seems to work! :) It would be nice if someone more knowledgeable could confirm that the thinking and code are good :)