I am learning how to compile custom Linux using Yocto. Currently I'm using Yocto Project 2.4 and I have added Python3 to the build. However, Python 3.5.2 was installed and I am interested in a newer version (e.g., Python 3.8.5). The reason I'm using this Yocto Project version is because I'm trying to compile a specific Linux version for Toradex modules.
So, how can I backport a newer Python version to my build? The only information I've found is in this forum post, that mentions something about copying python3_x.x.x.bb and python3.inc files, but it is not clear to me.
We saw your post at Toradex Community.
We are analyzing your issue because the root cause of your problem is because your newer python3 recipe requires "virtual/crypt", while the previous just had:
python3_3.5.3.bb:3:DEPENDS = "python3-native libffi bzip2 db gdbm openssl readline sqlite3 zlib virtual/libintl xz"
I'm discussing with my colleagues what could be a good approach for this case.
In the meantime, I strongly suggest you move forward to BSP 3.0.
Best regards, André Curvello