I want to understand how to evaluate the complexity, big O, of below algorithm and how to approach those kind of issues of big O estimations in the future with kinda-like algorithms.
#include <iostream>
std::size_t const jobSize = 3;
std::size_t jobCallCounter = 0;
std::size_t jobsDoneCounter = 0;
void doJob( std::size_t jobSize )
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < jobSize; ++i )
std::size_t recursiveCallCounter = 0;
std::size_t const cycleSize = 3;
void recursiveCall( std::size_t recursionNumber )
if( !recursionNumber )
doJob( jobSize );
for( std::size_t i = 0; i < cycleSize; ++i )
recursiveCall( recursionNumber - 1 );
int main()
recursiveCall( 4 );
std::cout << recursiveCallCounter << " recursive calls happened" << std::endl;
std::cout << jobCallCounter << " job calls happened" << std::endl;
std::cout << jobsDoneCounter << " jobs done" << std::endl;
I understand that overall complexity is aproximately O( J * C^R ), where: J = jobSize
, C = cycleSize
, R = recursionNumber
What I struggle to comprehend is how much recursive calls happen on each step of base cycle - cycle from the very first call, where (in this example) recursionNumber = 4
Also I'm interesting in how to evaluate amount of doJob
calls, a.k.a. jobCallCounter
Thank you!
You can find a recusive formula for that. If the time complexity for the problem with R
recursion number and C
cycle size (it is not an input to the recursive function) is denoted by T(R)
, we will have the following recursive formula:
T(R) = C* T(R-1) + 1
And for the initial case of the recursion T(0) = J
. The 1
in the formula is for the checking codition in the code.
To solve the formula, you can expand it:
T(R) = C* (C * T(R-2) + 1) + 1 = C^2 T(R-2) + C + 1
= C^R T(0) + C^{R-1} + ... + C + 1 =
C^R * J + C^{R-1} + ... + C + 1 = O(C^R * J)
Notice that as C
and J
are not changed their values during the recursion, we did not write the complexity function as T(R, C, J)
, to keep it simple for solving the recursion.