I want to create the permissions in views dynamically instead of the defaults at models
I create a main class called CreatorView
from django.views.generic import View
from django.forms.models import modelform_factory
class CreatorView(View):
model = None
fields = None
exclude = None
form = None
page_title = ''
def create_form(self):
default =dict()
if self.fields == None:
if self.exclude == None:
default['fields'] = self.fields = self.model._meta.fileds
default['exclude'] = self.exclude
if self.exclude:
raise Exception('error')
default['fields'] = self.fields
return modelform_factory(self.model,**default)
def get(self,request,*args,**kwargs):
return render('','base.html')
def post(self,request,*args,**kwargs):
... and so on
the main urls is:
urlpatterns = [
path('%s/%s' % (cls.model._meta.app_label, cls.__name__.lower()), cls.as_view(),
name='%s/%s' % (cls.model._meta.app_label, cls.__name__.lower())) for cls
in CreatorView.__subclasses__()]
if I make inheritance from CreatorView then my class should create a page for example:
class Login(CreatorView):
model = Users
""" my overwrite methods and actions """
class Configurations(CreatorView):
model = Configure
""" my overwrite methods and actions """
class Teachers(CreatorView):
model = Teachers
""" my overwrite methods and actions """
class Students(CreatorView):
model = Students
""" my overwrite methods and actions """
and so on
this code will create to me four pages I want to create table semi to django content_type model to be like:
id | app_label | page |
1 | myapp | login |
2 | myapp | configurations |
3 | myapp | teachers |
4 | myapp | students |
Can I modify auth_permission table in Django to make content_type foreign key from my content_type? If I can how to prevent insert default permissions and make my insertion for default permission?
You can create Permissions manually according to docs here
from myapp.models import BlogPost
from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(BlogPost)
permission = Permission.objects.create(
name='Can Publish Posts',
An enhanced permission library which enables a logic-based permission system to handle complex permissions in Django. here