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How to abort a proof in Isabelle?

I was wondering if there is a way to abort a proof in Isabelle/jEdit?

I searched for commands such as "Reset", "Abort" but couldn't find it.

I know there is Sorry. But I am not sure if one uses Sorry, the theorem at hand is assumed to be true or abandoned. Also, Sorry does not seem to work in the apply..done mode.

Currently, I comment out the theorems that I can't prove. But it requires a lot of typing (four characters each in (* *)) to comment or uncomment something, which is kind of cumbersome.

So is there a standard/universal way to abort a proof in Isabelle?


  • First, the command is sorry and it does work (but only) in apply style:

      ‹False ∧ True›
      apply (rule conjI)
       apply auto

    About the actual question, oops aborts proofs, whether in apply style or not:

      ‹False ∧ True›
    proof -
      have True
        by auto

    An oops-ed proof cannot be referenced later.