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How to do react native button by clicking icon alert ('OK')

how to do react native button by clicking icon alert ('OK'), i want to place dots-three-vertical Thanks...

export default [
    _id: '1001',
    name: 'Weeks',
    one: 'Monday',
    two: 'Tuesday',
    three: 'Wednesday',
    four: 'Thursday',
    five: 'Friday',
    six: 'Saturday',
    seven: 'Sunday',

export default (props) => {
  const {object} = props.route.params;
  const {textContainer} = styles;

  return (
          (item) =>
            item !== '_id' &&
            item !== 'name' &&
        .map((children) => (
          <Text key={children} style={textContainer}>

look picture here dot-three-vertical icon example


  • If you're asking how to implement the and have it display on the right, if you're using expo, you can import the correct Icon package from expo vector icons like so:

    import { SimpleLineIcons } from '@expo/vector-icons'; 

    Then create your scrollview like this:

              (item) =>
                item !== '_id' &&
                item !== 'name' &&
            .map((children) => (
            <View style={styles.listItem}>
            <Text key={children} style={textContainer}>
              <SimpleLineIcons name="options-vertical" size={24} color="red" />
        const styles = StyleSheet.create({
        listItem : {
        padding : 10,
        flexDirection : "row",
        justifyContent : "space-between",
        alignItems : "center"

    You can add an onPress listener on the icons to do whatever you want. If you want to show an alert, use Alert.alert() and configure it however you want.