I am using the package extended_image to load images from the network and display a shimmer on loading or on error.
I am getting this error setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build
when I am trying to call setState inside the loadStateChanged
In fact, I have two widgets, one VideoThumbnail
responsible for loading a thumbnail from the network, and another one VideoDesc
that should display the thumbnail description.
But I would like the description to display a shimmer when the image fails to load or is taking longer to load.
I created two states variables, on the VideoThumbnail
widget, that should be passed to the VideoDesc
videoLoading = true;
videoError = false;
Here is my code following the repo example:
class _VideoThumbnailState extends State<VideoThumbnail>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
bool videoLoading;
bool videoError;
AnimationController _controller;
void initState() {
videoLoading = true;
videoError = false;
_controller = AnimationController(
vsync: this,
duration: const Duration(seconds: 3),
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
print("Build Process Complete");
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
width: widget.width,
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4.0),
child: ExtendedImage.network(
width: widget.width,
height: (widget.width) * 3 / 4,
loadStateChanged: (ExtendedImageState state) {
switch (state.extendedImageLoadState) {
case LoadState.loading:
setState(() {
videoError = false;
videoLoading = true;
return Shimmer.fromColors(
child: Container(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(4.0),
baseColor: Colors.black12,
highlightColor: Colors.white24,
case LoadState.completed:
setState(() {
videoError = false;
videoLoading = false;
return FadeTransition(
opacity: _controller,
child: ExtendedRawImage(
image: state.extendedImageInfo?.image,
width: widget.width,
height: (widget.width) * 3 / 4,
case LoadState.failed:
setState(() {
videoError = true;
videoLoading = false;
return Container(
width: widget.width,
height: (widget.width) * 3 / 4,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
image: DecorationImage(
image: AssetImage("assets/img/not-found.png"),
fit: BoxFit.fill,
return Container();
desc: widget.desc,
videoError: videoError,
videoLoading: videoLoading,
class VideoDesc extends StatelessWidget {
final String desc;
final bool videoLoading;
final bool videoError;
const VideoDesc({
Key key,
@required this.desc,
this.videoLoading = true,
this.videoError = false,
}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: videoError || videoLoading
? Shimmer.fromColors(
baseColor: Colors.grey[700],
highlightColor: Colors.white24,
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
SizedBox(height: 12.0),
width: double.infinity,
height: 8.0,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.grey[900],
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(2.0),
SizedBox(height: 12.0),
width: 80.0,
height: 8.0,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.grey[900],
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(2.0),
: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
SizedBox(height: 12.0),
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: 11.0,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
SizedBox(height: 5.0),
style: TextStyle(
color: Colors.white54,
fontSize: 12.0,
Can anyone help me with this problem? Or if there is a better way to get the extendedImageLoadState
value and pass it to another widget without calling the setState inside loadStateChanged
You can't call setState
during build process.
If you actually need to, you can do so by using instead:
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(() => setState((){}));
However, have in mind, that having this on your switch-case
will schedule an infinite loop of rebuilds which you don't want as well.
I suggest you to re-structure your UI logic or at least make it conditional:
if(!videoLoading) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback(() => setState((){
videoError = false;
videoLoading = true;