I am trying to add two Lists of Two Structures using foldl/r, but I am not able to add the two Lists. I Have attached the Code below
(define-struct product-list (barcode expiry price ))
(define-struct tax-list (barcode tax))
(define (total-price products taxes)
+ (product-list-price products) (tax-list-tax taxes)))
(define products (list
(make-product-list 1500 85)
(make-product-list 1501 30)
(make-product-list 1502 200)
(make-product-list 1503 15)
(make-product-list 1504 100)
(define taxes (list
(make-tax-list 1500 5)
(make-tax-list 1501 2)
(make-tax-list 1502 12)
(make-tax-list 1503 0)
(make-tax-list 1504 6)
Assuming that:
Then, you just need to extract the prices and taxes from the lists and add them together, like this:
(define (total-price products taxes)
(map product-list-price products)
(map tax-list-tax taxes)))