I got stuck with an implementation problem in my threading practice project. I know what I want to achieve but I dont know how. I am new in the topic of std::future and std::async so I am not even sure if the implementation is even possible in the way I imagined.
I have a NuclearPP class which has this function(It should be staright forwad).
const error_codes::PPErrorCode& NuclearPowerPlant::Operation(const float& power_required, float&
error_codes::PPErrorCode power_plant_error_code = error_codes::success;
float energy_required_per_core = power_required / (float)operating_generators_;
for (const auto& core_it : reactor_cores_)
//Threaded call of each core's GenerateEnergy(energy_required_per_core, power_generated)
//Error handling per core with param power_plant_error_code
return power_plant_error_code;
I also have a NPPCore class with a function which generates the energy:
const error_codes::NPPCoreErrorCode& GenerateEnergy(const float& energy_required_per_core, float&
//Compliacted stuff which adds the generated energy to the shared resource "produced_energy" received as a param
My question is: How can I start a thread for every core_it->GenerateEnergy(energy_required_per_core, power_generated).
Thank you very much in forward. If you need any more information feel free to ask.
Br, Steve
First - define what information each thread shall provide.
In this case - it is probably something like this:
struct Result
error_codes::NPPCoreErrorCode error;
float produced_energy;
So your future type is std::future<Result>
Then start your work in many threads:
std::vector<std::future<Result>> results;
for (const auto& core_it : reactor_cores_)
auto action = [&]{
Result res;
res.error = core_it.GenerateEnergy(energy_required_per_core, res.power_generated);
return res;
// start thread
results.emplace_back(std::async(std::launch::async, action));
Then wait for each thread to finish:
for (auto& f : results) f.wait();
Then, I guess, you want to sum up:
for (auto& f : results) {
Result res = f.get();
if (res.error == error_codes::success)
power_generated += res.power_generated;
else {
power_plant_error_code = res.error;
// depending on your error strategy, you might break here
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