The opponentCorner Function is supposed to return a move(String). N is a positive Integer in this case 4. It is the first line of the file. The problem is that I get "Whats going on"(None) as a output when I try to compare the opponentsFirstTurn(read from File. In this case "B4") with concatenated String(the variables in bold). I also tried to compare via the list index(corners[1], corners[3] etc.) and cast to string but I still get the same issue. But I get the correct output when I compare with the normal Strings("B1", "T1", "R1", "L1")
the File looks like this: 4 B4
path = "C:\hello.txt" with open(path, mode="r") as f:
n = f.readline()
opponentFirstTurn= f.readline()
**count = len(open(path).readlines( ))
topn = "T" + str(n)
bottomn = "B" + str(n)
leftn = "L" + str(n)
rightn = "R" + str(n)**
corners = ["T1", topn, "B1", bottomn, "R1", rightn, "L1", leftn]
#T1 correct output, R4 whats going on, B1 correct output although leftn(concatenated String)
def opponentCorner()-> str:
global opponentFirstTurn
global corners
if opponentFirstTurn == "T1":
#play L1 first Turn, than always Rn
#nextMove = rightn
return "L1"
elif opponentFirstTurn== topn:
#play R1 first turn, then always Ln
#nextMove = leftn
return "R1"
elif opponentFirstTurn == "B1":
#play Ln first turn, then always R1
#nextMove = "R1"
return leftn
elif opponentFirstTurn== bottomn:
#play Rn first turn, then always L1
#nextMove = "L1"
return rightn
elif opponentFirstTurn == "R1":
#play Tn first turn, then always B1
#nextMove = "B1"
return topn
elif opponentFirstTurn == corners[5]:
#play Bn first turn, then always T1
#nextMove = "T1"
return bottomn
elif opponentFirstTurn == "L1":
#play T1 first turn, then always Bn
#nextMove = bottomn
return "T1"
elif opponentFirstTurn== leftn:
#play B1 first turn, then always Tn
#nextMove = topn
return "B1"
return "Whats going on?"
The readline
method keeps any trailing newline character as part of the string. Thus, after
n = f.readline()
will be the string '4\n'
. Since this is already a string, str(n)
is pointless and
bottomn = "B" + str(n)
gives you bottomn = 'B4\n'
. This string is not equal to 'B4'
by itself.
You could use n = f.readline().strip()
to strip off that newline character.
If that doesn't answer your question, you would need to ask a clearer question, preferably one that contains a minimal complete verifiable example. Also -- please format your code better. There is a code formatting tool in the edit box.