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Adjusting basic football simulation algorithm

I need help with adjusting my very basic football matches simulation algorithm. It doesn't need to take in account anything other than team rating (combined rating of team players). I came up with something, but the results are not very interesting: picture i.e they almost always end up (zero) - (something)

Here's the algorithm

 double flagIncrementer = 0.10;
            if(new Random().nextDouble() <= baseChance - (homeTeamRating - awayTeamRating)){
                boolean scoredFlag = false;
                    for(Player player : away.getPlayerList()){
                        if(new Random().nextDouble() <= player.getProbabilityWeight()){
                            scoredFlag = true;
            if(new Random().nextDouble() <= baseChance - (awayTeamRating - homeTeamRating)){
                boolean scoredFlag = false;
                    for(Player player : home.getPlayerList()){
                        if(new Random().nextDouble() <= player.getProbabilityWeight()){
                            scoredFlag = true;
            if (new Random().nextDouble() <= flagIncrementer) {
                flag = true; 
            } else {
                flagIncrementer += 0.10; //inkrementiraj kako bi se izbjegla beskonačna petlja


It's very simple, I just generate a random number and then see if I get a number that is less than the base chance accounted for difference in team rating. I repeat that for second team. Loop can exit on the first iteration, but it doesn't have to be. If it doesn't, I increment my control variable so it has a higher chance to exit on the next iteration.

I'm not particularly adept at statistics nor math, but even directing me in the right way is very much appreciated.


  • for soccer games, 0 is not uncommon, I don't see what's wrong with it. But here is an alternative view: 1> determine total goals, which can poisson distribution. 2> For each of the goal, determine which team goaled, which can use the normlized team strength: A/(A+B) vs B/(A+B). I would suggest something benefit the stronger team more which seems to be more real world result.