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iOS Enterprise distribution certificate creation does not create a private key

When creating a certificate for Entreprise Distribution, no private keys are created. Leading to show this message on XCode compilation : "... but their private keys are not installed."

I created the certificate this way :

  • Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority
  • I put our account email adress and our account owner name as informations, then create the certificate.
  • In "" portal (with our Enterprise account) i create a new certificate of type "In-House and Ad Hoc" with the previous generated certificate.
  • Then i download this certificate and install it on the previous Mac (used to generate the certificate in first place)

That's all. In keychain access, when i right click on the installed certificate and do "export" the ".p12" possibility is grey.

Thanks in advance for the answers.


  • The key is actually resides in you keychain. There are multiple keychains available for your user like below:

    enter image description here

    Just make sure you are adding certificate to the same keychain using which you created the CSR file.