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Get number of combinations of nested dictionary with lists

I have a list of nested dictionaries with lists inside and I want to calculate the number of all possible combinations through all the dicts.

Example of input

json = 
    "lang": "fr",
    "dates": ["d1", "d2"],
    "address": [
            "city": "Paris",
            "zip": "75001"
            "city": "Lyon",
            "zip": "69600"
    "lang": "fr",
    "dates": ["d2", "d3"],
    "address": [
            "city": "Paris",
            "zip": "75001"

The expected output would be:

 'address.city_dates': {"Paris_d1": 1, "Paris_d2": 2 ,"Paris_d3": 1, "Lyon_d1": 1, "Lyon_d2": 1},
 'address.city_lang': {"Paris_fr": 2, "Lyon_fr": 1},
 '': {"Lyon_69600": 1, "Paris_75001": 2},
 'address.zip_dates': {"75001_d1": 1, "75001_d2": 2 ,"75001_d3": 1, "69600_d1": 1, "69600_d2": 1},
 'address.zip_lang': {"75001_fr": 2, "69600_fr": 1}, 
 'dates_lang': {"d1_fr": 1, "d2_fr": ,"d3_fr": 1}

Note: Relations are interchangeable in my case: X_Y is similar to Y_X

Attempt: I tried the following function that would be called recursively but I'm stuck at how to deal with lists and look for combinations on all levels.

def get_combs(element, contextKey, relations):
    if type(element) is list:
        # for each element of the list, treat element
        for tokenElement in element:
            get_combs(tokenElement, contextKey, relations)
    elif type(element) is dict:
        keys = list(element.keys())
        for first_key in keys:
            # remove current first key to avoid X_Y and Y_X being different
            for second_key in keys:
                key = first_key + "_" + second_key
                value_key = str(element[first_key]) + "_" + str(element[second_key])
                if not key in relations:
                    relations[key] = {value_key: 1}
                    if not value_key in relations[key]:
                        relations[key][value_key] = 1
                        relations[key][value_key] += 1
            # recall function to deal wit elements inside the dict
            get_combs(element[first_key], first_key, relations)

def main(json):
    relations = {}
    # loop over all the elements inside json
    for element in json:
        get_combs(element, 'root', relations)
    return relations

pippo = main(json)



{'address_dates': {"[{'city': 'Paris', 'zip': '75001'}, {'city': 'Lyon', 'zip': '69600'}]_['d1', 'd2']": 1,
                   "[{'city': 'Paris', 'zip': '75001'}]_['d2', 'd3']": 1},
 'address_lang': {"[{'city': 'Paris', 'zip': '75001'}, {'city': 'Lyon', 'zip': '69600'}]_fr": 1,
                  "[{'city': 'Paris', 'zip': '75001'}]_fr": 1},
 'city_zip': {"Lyon_69600": 1, "Paris_75001": 2},
 'lang_dates': {"fr_['d1', 'd2']": 1, "fr_['d2', 'd3']": 1}}


  • You can recursively flatten the structure, and then group by the formed keys. From there, basic combinations can be applied:

    from collections import defaultdict, Counter
    import itertools as it
    json = [{'lang': 'fr', 'dates': ['d1', 'd2'], 'address': [{'city': 'Paris', 'zip': '75001'}, {'city': 'Lyon', 'zip': '69600'}]}, {'lang': 'fr', 'dates': ['d2', 'd3'], 'address': [{'city': 'Paris', 'zip': '75001'}]}]
    def get_keys(d, c = [], j = None):
      if not isinstance(d, (dict, list)):
         yield ('.'.join(c), d, j)
      elif isinstance(d, list):
         yield from [i for j, b in enumerate(d) for i in get_keys(b, c = c, j = j if isinstance(b, dict) else None)]
         for a, b in d.items():
            yield from get_keys(b, c = c+[a], j = j)
    def get_combos(data):   
      d = defaultdict(list)
      for a, *b in get_keys(data):
      return {f'{b}_{a}':Counter([f'{y}_{x}' for [x, l1], [y, l2] in it.product(d[a], d[b]) if type(l1) != type(l2) or l1 == l2]) for a, b in it.combinations(d, 2)}
    new_d = {}
    for i in json:
       for a, b in get_combos(i).items():
         for c, d in b.items():
            new_d[a] = {**(l:=new_d.get(a, {})), c:d if c not in l else l[c]+d} 


    {'dates_lang': {'d1_fr': 1, 'd2_fr': 2, 'd3_fr': 1}, 'address.city_lang': {'Paris_fr': 2, 'Lyon_fr': 1}, 'address.zip_lang': {'75001_fr': 2, '69600_fr': 1}, 'address.city_dates': {'Paris_d1': 1, 'Lyon_d1': 1, 'Paris_d2': 2, 'Lyon_d2': 1, 'Paris_d3': 1}, 'address.zip_dates': {'75001_d1': 1, '69600_d1': 1, '75001_d2': 2, '69600_d2': 1, '75001_d3': 1}, '': {'75001_Paris': 2, '69600_Lyon': 1}}

    Edit: to print the flattened structure, store the get_keys call first:

    def get_combos(data):   
      d = defaultdict(list)
      t_result = list(get_keys(data))
      print(t_result) #displaying flattened input dict
      for a, *b in t_result:
      return {f'{b}_{a}':Counter([f'{y}_{x}' for [x, l1], [y, l2] in it.product(d[a], d[b]) if type(l1) != type(l2) or l1 == l2]) for a, b in it.combinations(d, 2)}