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How do I remove openCV

I am trying to remove opencv fully from my system. I was trying to learn ROS, while in tutorials I faced an issue. After creating empty workspace I invoke


It gives an common error, I searched and asked around in answers.ros

here is the link of the question

I think I found out the problem was opencv libraries which I had build before installing ROS-Noetic, creating the error, I searched around how to remove opencv, but non of the answers totally remove opencv without removing my opencv names files.

Is there a common solution on how to remove opencv?

Ubuntu 20.04
ROS Noetic


  • Best way if you installed opencv from source and still have the build directory, simply go there and call make uninstall. Another solution is to delete all opencv related files as you already know and suggested in many other similar questions like this. You could also try to use synaptic package manager if you installed using a package. I suggest for the future to install development libraries a custom folder, so it will be just a matter of deleting that folder if something goes wrong. In this way you can also have different opencv versions in your system, this is how I do.