I created a VM Instance on Google Cloud. Using the GPUs of this instance, I ran several experiments on Google AI Platform in a Jupyter notebook.
Now I can not start the instance anymore, since weeks I get the error that the time zone has run out of resources. However, without starting the instance I can not open the Jupyter notebooks, hence I can not download them and all my work and code is currently unavailable.
I know I could try to move the instance to a different time zone, but this seems like a tedious solution. How can I obtain those notebooks?
A couple of workarounds that can help.
Deattach the GPU from the VM instance and check if the VM instance can be started, but if not:
You can create a snapshot of the persistent disk attached to your VM Notebook, and create a VM instance from a snapshot, then access through SSH to try to recover the notebooks.
These tasks could be also a bit tedious, but you need to evaluate if you are willing to perform something like this to recover the info. In addition, you might want to contact Google Cloud Support and open a ticket since several weeks without resources seems unusual.