As there are 2 response format(Atom and Json) from Twitter search api, i am trying to fetch the twits(Json format) by using the URL:[], but you know it is returning only 1 page with 15 twits at a time(and yes its as per the twitter search API documentation) same as the below image:
But what if i want to fetch 2nd page of twits, i know i can use page querystring value such as, but when i use it, it returns me the below output:
Problem: So As you have noticed the above response, it should return 2nd page of 15 twits in response. Please give me suggestions if i am doing something wrong to fetch 2nd page of twits.
Thanx, Paresh
There is only one page of results.
If you search for a popular term, like cheryl cole, you will see a 'next_page' field returned in the JSON. This field contains a query string to retrieve the next page.