hello everyone I'm trying to save image path in mysql database but the database save the path without slashes like this
image: 'publicimagesIMG-1610544689539.jpg'
I copied it from the result but the query doesn't contain any problem!
INSERT INTO product (category,name,image,unit,price,stok,produce,end) VALUES ("Pastry" , "test" , "public\images\IMG-1610544689539.jpg" , "Kilo" , "80" , "100" , "2021-01-06","2021-01-15")
my code just save the values without edit anything in it
newProduct.post('/new' , upload.single('image') , async (req , res)=>{
const db = await newDB.connection()
let query = `INSERT INTO product (category,name,image,unit,price,stok,produce,end) VALUES ("${req.body.category}" , "${req.body.name}" , "${req.file.path}" , "${req.body.unit}" , "${req.body.price}" , "${req.body.stok}" , "${req.body.produce}" , "${req.body.end}")`
connection code ..
const pool = mysql.createPool(dbConfig);
const connection = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pool.getConnection((err, connection) => {
if (err) reject(err);
console.log("MySQL pool connected: threadId " + connection.threadId);
const query = (sql, binding) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
connection.query(sql, binding, (err, result) => {
if (err) reject(err);
const release = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (err) reject(err);
console.log("MySQL pool released: threadId " + connection.threadId);
resolve({ query, release });
const query = (sql, binding) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
pool.query(sql, binding, (err, result, fields) => {
if (err) reject(err);
module.exports = { pool, connection, query };
thank you
Instead of using a single slash, "" you could try using double slash "\". This can be achieved by doing the following before saving your path:
let path = req.file.path
path = path.replace("\", "\\")
const db = await newDB.connection()
let query = `INSERT INTO product (category,name,image,unit,price,stok,produce,end) VALUES ("${req.body.category}" , "${req.body.name}" , "${path}" , "${req.body.unit}" , "${req.body.price}" , "${req.body.stok}" , "${req.body.produce}" , "${req.body.end}")`