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Customise choices for BooleanWidget in django_filters

I'm using django_filters. For boolean fields, it generates this HTML:

<select name="bass" id="id_bass">
  <option value="">Unknown</option>
  <option value="true" selected="">Yes</option>
  <option value="false">No</option>


This springs from Django's own specifics of NullFields. How can I change that ugly 'Unknown' to something else? the user is not really searching for 'Unknown'; they're searching for 'all', since my boolean field is required and either true or false.

The widget does not accept a choices attribute.

Creating manually the HTML myself partially solved the issue; nevertheless, I would achieve this from the view and use only the {{form}} on the template.


The best way of doing it on the template is by simply running this JavaScript after the DOM has loaded:

    document.getElementById('id_bass').options[0].innerText = "---------";

A bit hacky; still, it does what I want.


  • You can create a custom widget for that and can use it in your BooleanFilter() as,

    from django_filters.widgets import BooleanWidget
    from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
    class CustomBooleanWidget(BooleanWidget):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.choices = (("", _("Anything else")), ("true", _("Yes")), ("false", _("No")))
    class YourFilterSet(filters.FilterSet):
        your_field = filters.BooleanFilter(widget=CustomBooleanWidget)
        class Meta:
            model = YourModelClass
            fields = ("your_field",)