I have a old program with many years. This is programmed with VB6 and use Access 97 database. The program worked fine until a few days ago, but the customer has updated something on his computer and now the program gives an error 3041 "Cannot open a database created with a previous version..". This error is in the line
Set BD_Seguro = AreaDeTrabajo.OpenDatabase(PathDatos & "UsuaE.mdb", False)
The program use "Microsoft DAO 3.6". I reinstall the program but the problem persists. What are the necessary libraries for "Microsoft DAO" to work?
IIRC the file VB6DEDP.ini which comes with VB6 should list most of the dependencies which are relevant for DAO.
This is a map of VB6DEP.ini dependencies that I made using GraphViz a while ago:
(click it to expand)
Here's the portion which seems to be relevant for DAO360:
In my experience this is a good starting point for what must be installed on a computer for DAO360 to work.
Given that you are reading an old format MDB you may also need to make sure the MSRD2x...DLL files are also present, as I think these are converters or adapters from version "2" to something later.